Our Staff


Little Crickets Nursery is extremely fortunate to be led by a number of experienced teaching and childcare professionals with many years of expertise between them.  The nursery benefits from a strong leadership team and is supported by its owners, Forfar Education.

Headteacher at Springmead Preparatory School, Sally Cox, is the nursery's Designated Safeguarding Lead.  She is supported by Shirley Offer, the school's Deputy Head Teacher, who is a Norlander, who trained at the prestigious Norland College.   

The day-to-day running of the nursery is overseen by our Nursery Manager, Maria Keates, also a Norlander.  Along with her team of highly qualified and committed Nursery Practitioners, Maria ensures the highest level of care, attention and kindness for the children at our nursery. 

Safeguarding at Little Crickets is our priority and, as such, we have a dedicated team to oversee this:

  • Jo Storey – Safeguarding Governor
  • Sally Cox - Designated Safeguarding Lead

Telephone numbers for our Leadership and Safeguarding team can be found on our Contact Us page.